Blender Geometrynodes Möbius Strip World
eric schubert
A procedurally generated möbius strip world and all assets. You can adjust a lot of parameters to create new little worlds.
All assets are in seperate linked files. Make sure to check if the files are linked correctly. By default the files should stay in the same folder as the main file.
The assets include:
- a set of houses, made with tissue
- some cars
- a train
- a airplane
- trees made with mtree
- some volumetric clouds
- streetlights, lanterns, rocks and bushes
How To Use?
Download all the files. Copy them into one folder. Open the mobiusStrip.v21 blender file. All the linked references should get loaded. Play around with the Geometry Nodes setup. :)
A procedurally generated möbius strip world and all assets.
Möbius strip main file
Car, plane and train instances
Cloud instances
Tree, bush and grass instances
Houses, windmill, rocks and street props
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